IAIR Conference and AGM - 2011 - St Helier, Jersey
The 2011 Annual Conference and AGM was held in St Helier, Jersey and was hosted by Michael Wilkins Viscount of the Royal Court Jersey. The conference theme was "Managing Risks in Insolvency Regulation".

The Grand Hotel, St Helier, Jersey
Address:The three-day conference took place in The Grand Hotel, St Helier, Jersey. This was also the recommended hotel for accommodation for delegates.
Members were responsible for booking their own hotel rooms directly with the Hotel. -
19th June 2011
toJersey 2011Event ProgrammeJersey 2011Event Programme
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toIAIR Executive Committee (Executive Committee Members only)IAIR Executive Committee (Executive Committee Members only)
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toWelcome ReceptionWelcome Reception
From to Speakers: Room:The conference began with The Viscount’s Reception on Sunday 19 June 2011 at the Grand Hotel. Guests included The Minister for Treasury and Resources and The Minister for Economic Development. This event was kindly sponsored by the Economic Development Department of the States of Jersey.
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20th June 2011
toWelcome from the Conference Host and the IAIR ChairMike Wilkins MBE, Viscount of Jersey, Jim CallonWelcome from the Conference Host and the IAIR Chair
From to Speakers: Mike Wilkins MBE, Viscount of Jersey, Jim Callon Room:Members need to login for access to session documents
toConference Opening and Keynote AddressMichael BirtConference Opening and Keynote Address
From to Speakers: Michael Birt Room:Members need to login for access to session documents
toIAIR Annual General MeetingJim CallonIAIR Annual General Meeting
From to Speakers: Jim Callon Room:1 Record of IAIR 2010 Dublin– for approval
2 IAIR Annual Report 2010 – for approval
3 IAIR Finance Report 2010 – for approval
4 IAIR Website Report – for noting
5 Secretariat Services – report on new arrangements
6 Membership Contribution 2012 – for approval
7 Chairman – Election
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toPhotograph and Morning Coffee/Tea and NetworkingPhotograph and Morning Coffee/Tea and Networking
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toInsolvency from an off shore perspective • Managing cross border and comity issues in a global village • Unique nature of proceedingsMike Wilkins MBE, Viscount of Jersey, Prabha Chinien - Registrar of Companies MauritiusInsolvency from an off shore perspective • Managing cross border and comity issues in a global village • Unique nature of proceedings
From to Speakers: Mike Wilkins MBE, Viscount of Jersey, Prabha Chinien - Registrar of Companies Mauritius Room:Presentations from off shore jurisdiction Members: Jersey, BVI, Mauritius
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toExperience of countries recently introducing insolvency regimes • Romania• Russian FederationValentina Burdescu, Elena RaitskayaExperience of countries recently introducing insolvency regimes • Romania• Russian Federation
From to Speakers: Valentina Burdescu, Elena Raitskaya Room:Members need to login for access to session documents
toPresentation from New Members - ColumbiaPresentation from New Members - Columbia
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toAfternoon Tea/Coffee & NetworkingAfternoon Tea/Coffee & Networking
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toEuropean country (non IAIR member) presentationIsabelle DidierEuropean country (non IAIR member) presentation
From to Speakers: Isabelle Didier Room:Members need to login for access to session documents
toSummary and Close for the daySummary and Close for the day
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toIAIR Formal Conference DinnerIAIR Formal Conference Dinner
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21st June 2011
toTour of the Royal Court of Jersey and States (Parliamentary) ChamberTour of the Royal Court of Jersey and States (Parliamentary) Chamber
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toDepart for the Grand HotelDepart for the Grand Hotel
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toManaging Insolvency RisksManaging Insolvency Risks
From to Speakers: Room:In the context of regulatory oversight and depending on your mandate, you may have responsibility for the compliance by / behaviour of debtors (corporate and consumer), creditors, the courts, insolvency professionals. For these different participants in the system answer the following questions
- What are the major risks being managed?
- What risks do not need to be managed?
- What approaches are taken to mitigate these risks (audits, self reporting, investigations, random interviews, bonding, professional insurance, etc.)?
- Do you rely on third parties to help ensure compliance? - Are you facing resource constraints in being able to fully address the risks in the system? -If you are facing resource constraints what measures have been taken to improve operational efficiencies and reduce costs?
- Have these measures increased your exposure to risk in not fulfilling your mandate.
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toExternal scrutiny of Insolvency Regulators, - Australia - UKVeronique Anne Ingram, Stephen SpeedExternal scrutiny of Insolvency Regulators, - Australia - UK
From to Speakers: Veronique Anne Ingram, Stephen Speed Room:Members need to login for access to session documents
toRegulation of insolvency representatives Principle D-8 World BankRegulation of insolvency representatives Principle D-8 World Bank
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toAfternoon Tea/Coffee and NetworkingAfternoon Tea/Coffee and Networking
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toInternational Session - WB Investment Climate Advisory Unit - WB Insolvency and Cr/Dr Unit - INSOL - EBRD - OECD - UNCITRAL - International Insolvency Institute - FAIRGordon Stewart, Andres Federico Martinez, Frederique Dahan, Wisit Wisitsora-AtInternational Session - WB Investment Climate Advisory Unit - WB Insolvency and Cr/Dr Unit - INSOL - EBRD - OECD - UNCITRAL - International Insolvency Institute - FAIR
From to Speakers: Gordon Stewart, Andres Federico Martinez, Frederique Dahan, Wisit Wisitsora-At Room:Members need to login for access to session documents
22nd June 2011
toInsolvency of SOE’s - Have restructuring and bankruptcy techniques lead to privatisation? • Findings of III projectLuis Manuel MejanInsolvency of SOE’s - Have restructuring and bankruptcy techniques lead to privatisation? • Findings of III project
From to Speakers: Luis Manuel Mejan Room:Members need to login for access to session documents
toCountry reports session Case studies Emerging trendsCountry reports session Case studies Emerging trends
From to Speakers: Room:Executive Committee members of each regional group, in consultation with their members, to review the country reports and prepare a session on key themes and issues. This could for example take the form of a case study/hypothetical or an analysis of emerging trends showing similarities and differences.
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toMorning Tea/Coffee and NetworkingMorning Tea/Coffee and Networking
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toReforms to the US Insolvency system • What has been the experience - Economy - Regulation - Insolvency activityReforms to the US Insolvency system • What has been the experience - Economy - Regulation - Insolvency activity
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toReport on Projects - Financial Education/Counselling in the Insolvency System - Data collection - IAIR Website development Discussion of Topics for Future Projects/StudiesReport on Projects - Financial Education/Counselling in the Insolvency System - Data collection - IAIR Website development Discussion of Topics for Future Projects/Studies
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toConclusion Next IAIR conference 2012 - New Zealand, IAIR workshops, IAIR Confernce Action Points & Conference CloseJim CallonConclusion Next IAIR conference 2012 - New Zealand, IAIR workshops, IAIR Confernce Action Points & Conference Close
From to Speakers: Jim Callon Room:Members need to login for access to session documents
- Conference Brochure
- Formal Gallery