We are all facing unprecedented conditions associated with the spread of COVID-19. A number of jurisdictions are having to develop or amend their procedures in order to cope with both the demands of insolvency/bankruptcy and with having reduced staffing levels. This area is designed to help IAIR members share these experiences and ideas.
It is a developing area as we add new documents and guidance that various members are developing in their own jurisdictions as it becomes available. The first document in the list also provides a quick weblink to areas of IAIR member's websites where new guidance is available. We hope this will help other members to amend and develop their own systems.
We have also developed a member's discussion forum where you can share experiences and ask for help or suggestions in managing particular issues - Hover over the menu title at the top of this page to access the disucussion forum.
Please note you will need to be logged in as an IAIR member to access these resources.
If you have anything that we can add to this area please email it to the secretariat at