Donna W McKenzie Skene
Donna W McKenzie Skene
Donna is currently a senior lecturer at the University of Aberdeen where she teaches mainly in the fields of domestic and international insolvency law at undergraduate and post-graduate level. She has researched and published widely in these fields.
Donna is a qualified Scottish solicitor although she does not currently practise as such. She is currently an external examiner at the University of Abertay Dundee and at Edinburgh University; a member of R3’s Scottish Technical Committee; and a non-executive board member and chair of the Policy and Cases Committee of the Accountant in Bankruptcy.
Previous external appointments include member of the Law Society of Scotland (LSS) Insolvency Solicitors' Committee (1995 to 2008); LSS Examiner in Commercial Law (2000 to 2008); Deputy Convener (2004 to 2006) and Convener (2007 to 2008) of LSS Exam Board; Chair of Scottish Executive Working Group on Debt Relief (2005); member of the Expert Group advising the European Commission on the revision of the EU insolvency regulation in 2012. She also undertakes opinion work, consultancy and continuing professional development teaching including judicial training.