Ministry of Justice - Poland

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    I am an insolvency judge at the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw, on secondment in Polish Ministry of Justice, Legislative Department. In Poland, Ministry of Justice is responsible for organizing insolvency practitioners' profession. The courts (or in some strictly defined situations – debtors and creditors) may choose for insolvency proceedings (both liquidation and restructuring type) only those practitioners who are licensed by the Minister of Justice. Minister of Justice is also entitled to withdraw the licence though his discretion in this area is strictly limited by the law, because the supervision of the conduct of IPs during the time of insolvency proceedings is solely at the hands of insolvency courts.
    Ministry of Justice is finalizing now its work on reform of IP's regime in Poland, generally aiming at giving additional supervisory powers to the Ministry of Justice so to enable its own appraisal of insolvency practitioners' conduct, independent form court supervision - system designed as the supplement of court control.
    I am the person responsible in Ministry of Justice for legislative work on that reform as well as on other preparatory work concerning insolvency regime in Poland and I was authorised to apply for IAIR membership of Polish Ministry of Justice as IP's regulator in Poland.

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